Friday, August 31, 2012

Many Baptized in the Holy Spirit in the Bicol Region of the Philippines

God continues to move in the Bicol Region of the Philippines. In the last three weeks, about 500 or so people have been filled or refilled with the Holy Spirit. People speaking in tongues have filled the sanctuaries of the places we have visited, and we are grateful because Jesus is been glorified.

We believe that we are on the cusp of the greatest move of God this region has ever seen. Is this the beginning? We do not know. A more important question we are asking is, "What do we do next to fan the flame of what God is doing?" This is uncharted territory for Debbie and me, so we would appreciate your prayers and feedback.

For the moment, we have one more Sunday service with our friends, Bill and Beth Juoni, and they will leave on Tuesday. Debbie and I will take a breather for a couple of days and rest at a nearby resort. The schedule has been unrelenting for the last three weeks, and we need a break.

By the way, if you feel led of the Lord to help us out, we would appreciate some financial help. You can donate online at 

Drop us a line when you can. We're always glad to hear from you.

Many blessings,

Dave and Debbie Johnson

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